When can you be tested for STIs?
You can test yourself for STIs from home with Homed-IQ’s self-tests. However, it is important to take into account the window period of each STI in order to know when it is possible to test and receive a reliable result.
What is the window period?
The window period is the time between the moment of unprotected sexual contact (infection) and the moment at which the STI can be detected by a test. Every STI has its own window period. If you are not experiencing symptoms, it is best to wait until the window period has ended to be sure the STI is detectable for a laboratory test. Then it can be determined with certainty whether or not you have an STI.
Can you take an STI test before the window period has ended if you have symptoms?
The window periods for STIs are usually a range of weeks or months. It is not recommended to test before the window period has ended because there is a chance of getting a negative test result even if you have an infection (false negative). However, if you have symptoms that could indicate an STI before the window period has passed, you should visit your doctor or a sexual health clinic. They can consult you on your specific situation, provide testing, and administer follow-up care.
Certain STIs (such as HIV and Syphilis) can usually be detected after a few weeks, but in very rare cases only after several months. If you receive a negative result for HIV and syphilis a few weeks after a potential exposure, you should get tested again after three months to completely rule out an infection.
Since you can also have STIs without any symptoms, it is important to test yourself after potential exposure to an STI, even if you don’t have symptoms.
What is the difference between incubation time and window period?
These two terms are often confused.
The window period is the time between being infected and when a test can reliably detect an STI.
The incubation period, on the other hand, indicates how long after infection symptoms will appear. If you have symptoms, it is still important to keep the window period in mind. Testing before the window period is over can yield a false-negative result. If you aren’t experiencing symptoms, it’s advised to wait until the window period is over before testing to avoid unnecessary testing. Are you experiencing potential STI symptoms? Then visit your doctor or a sexual health clinic for further advice.
Below you can see an overview of the window periods per STI. The relevant window period per STI is based on the NHG guidelines, which are adhered to by our laboratory. After the window period has passed, the STI can be reliably detected by the laboratory.
STI | Window Period |
Chlamydia | 14 days |
Gonorrhoea | 14 days |
Trichomoniasis | 4 weeks |
Herpes 1 and 2 | When blisters appear |
Syphilis | 3 weeks – If negative, repeat test 3 months after sexual contact |
HIV | 4 weeks – If negative, repeat test 3 months after sexual contact |
Hepatitis B | 8 weeks– If negative, repeat test 3-6 months after sexual contact |
Do you have a question about when to perform a Homed-IQ STI test? We’re happy to help. Send as an email and we will get back to you shortly.